Alcoholism, drug addiction, and problematic consumption

It is crucial to understand that severe cases of dependence on alcohol or a narcotic substance should be treated in a hospital. Its serious physiological and psychological dimensions make it almost impossible for the individual to cope with them without medical intervention.

However, my experience shows that long before a person becomes physically dependent on a substance (alcohol, light drugs, heavier substances, tranquilizers, or painkillers), there is a long period of problematic consumption.

My take on this condition is that it is a kind of self-medicating – a failed attempt to silence an underlying problem with the help of a chemical substance. The usual result, however, is that the practice itself becomes a grave problem. Many people do not turn to a specialist on time and thus develop mental and physical dependence. It is for these reasons that a specialist should be contacted as soon as possible.

In psychoanalytic therapy, we talk about everything that has been avoided to date with the help of alcohol, drugs, or medication.

Psychotherapy is also highly recommendable for people who have already overcome dependence but would like to familiarize themselves more with the problem that has led them to problematic consumption in the first place.


What happens during a psychoanalytical session?

It is a widely known concept that talking about our problems helps us understand what their origin is and how to go about solving them. Sometimes the mere act of putting our feelings into words, discussing them with a friend or relative, is extremely therapeutic. However, oftentimes this is not enough to tackle the root source of the problem.

Psychotherapy is an effective treatment because it brings this process to a professional level, in which the client consults with an experienced professional capable of interpreting more adequately the nature of the issue. The therapist knows how to direct the client to more profound self reflection, as well as to point out the logical connections between different issues initially perceived as independent.

Many people do not feel comfortable sharing details about traumatic experiences with their closest friends and relatives. For them, therapy is the only way to get rid of the burden caused by these traumatic events, as well as other unhealthy thoughts and feelings.